November 3, 2020, is the date of the U.S. Presidential Election, and there has been all sorts of Political Odds and drama coming down to the last hours before voters head to the polls. Early voting has hit all-time highs; in the state of Texas, more people have voted early than voted in the entire 2016 voting process.

Generally, higher voter turnouts tend to mean Democratic Party victories, and we see the Republicans out there fighting it, as Republicans have sued to throw out more than 120,000 votes just in Harris County in Texas (the Houston area) because they were cast in a drive-through setting to avoid COVID-19 problems.

This is your LAST CHANCE to cast your own action ballot at the US General Elections, so let’s take a look at the most recent POTUS 2020 Odds, courtesy of online betting house

Political Futures*

Odds to Win the 2020 Presidential RaceOdds
Republican Candidate (Donald J. Trump)+180
Democratic Candidate (Joseph R. Biden)-225
Independent Candidates (any other winner)+5000
Odds to Win the Popular VoteOdds
Republicans Win Popular Vote+600
Democrats Win Popular Vote-1400
Control of House of Representatives – 2020 ElectionOdds

*Odds are subject to change.

Political Odds: Last Betting Chance @ POTUS 2020

The political odds of a Biden victory, according to the statistical website FiveThirtyEight, is around 90 percent. The news has become particularly bizarre over the last few days, as it has become clear to the Trump campaign that the numbers are looking grim. We had Donald Trump Jr urging Texas supporters to harass the Biden campaign’s bus on Interstate 35, and that’s exactly what happened, as a caravan of Trump flag-waving trucks forced the bus to come to a halt, leading to the cancellation of two Biden events in Texas over the weekend.

Trump has also seen his disagreement with epidemiologist Anthony Fauci, a member of the COVID-19 response team who has broken with Trump over decisions about managing the pandemic. Dr. Fauci criticized the inclusion of Dr. Scott Atlas, a doctor with no epidemiology experience, on the management team simply because of Atlas’ agreement with Trump’s positions about letting the virus largely run its course and build herd immunity.

The odds for the candidates reflect the sliding shift in the polls – but we won’t know much more until late Tuesday or early Wednesday.

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